- Salon Services, SERVICES
Service: Style
- $250.00
- Style
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- Massage Therapy, SERVICES
Service: Therapeutic Massage
- $740.00
- Therapeutic Massage
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- Salon Services, SERVICES
Service: Treatments
- $300.00
- Treatments
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- SERVICES, Wax Therapy
Service: Under Arms/Stomach
- $180.00
- Under Arms/Stomach
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- SERVICES, Wax Therapy
Service: Underarms
- $80.00
- Underarms
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- Massage Therapy, SERVICES
Service: Upper Body Massage
- $380.00
- Upper Body Massage
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- SERVICES, Wax Therapy
Service: Upper Lip
- $40.00
- Upper Lip
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- SERVICES, Wax Therapy
Service: Vajacial (with Brazilian)
- $900.00
- Vajacial (with Brazilian)
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- SERVICES, Wax Therapy
Service: Vajacial (without Brazilian)
- $600.00
- Vajacial (without Brazilian)
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- Salon Services, SERVICES
Service: Wash/Blow/Flat Iron
- $300.00
- Wash/Blow/Flat Iron
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- Kits
Severe Acne Treatment Kit
- $2,600.00
- When cystic acne (pus filled acne/pustules) becomes a daily challenge, exacerbated by oily skin. Banish this for good, by deep cleansing of the affected pores. Treatment products include: Glycolic Cleanser 4.7 fl.oz. Glycolic Toner 4.7 fl.oz. Glycolic Booster Serum 1.0 fl.oz. Azapure 10% Clarifying Crème (for both Day and Night) 1.7 fl.oz. X-Pressin C Radiant Enzyme Exfoliant 1.7 fl.oz.
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- Toners
Sulphur & Salicylic Lotion
- $450.00
- A powerful astringent toner that combats accumulation of keratinized skin cells that may clog pores causing acne.Net Wt. 4.7 fl.oz.
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